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Featured Agents

Jodi Smith


Jodi Smith has a natural ability to maintain a sense of humor, remain calm in difficult situations and utilize her strong sense of intuition, which greatly adds value in closing transactions. Jodi has built a solid reputation for her refreshingly friendly customer care and proven ability to guide buyers to obtain the best value for their dream home and to assist sellers to a smooth, stress-free sale of their home. Clients are afforded the ability to work with a knowledgeable professional, and someone who combines her knowledge of the local community with excellent listening skills and a caring, compassionate attitude. Jodi has been a Frisco resident for twenty-five years. She has extensive knowledge of the suburbs surrounding the D/FW area. She is very familiar with the subdivisions, schools and communities. This knowledge allows her to provide detailed information and decision-making facts when she is working with a client. She takes pride in providing excellent service, attention to details, and honest advice, thereby enabling her clients to make sound financial decisions.

Stacey Feltman

Team Lead


As an agent who’s an expert in the North Dallas area after relocating from the East Coast, Stacey brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise about buying and selling real estate. It’s not the same everywhere, so you need someone you can trust for up-to-date information. Stacey’s communication skills, expertise in negotiations, extensive knowledge of local neighborhoods, market conditions, property values as well as caring and concern about her clients are key attributes which distinguishes her from others. She does the extra little things and goes the extra mile to set her apart in the industry, always proactive, listening carefully and available day or night to fulfill her clients’ dreams. It is Stacey’s mission to consistently provide the highest quality, most innovative and exceptional real estate service. Clients’ needs always come first! She always strives to provide value far in excess of her clients’ expectations. Keenly focused on finding the right solution every time.

Stacey Feltman Real Estate Group


Our Group is built on the foundation of raising the bar in customer service, impressive negotiating skills, aggressive marketing techniques with the respected reputation in Frisco and north of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. We are a concierge boutique-style group that focuses on the person, the lifestyle and the experience. Our goal is our happy clients, as they always come first. We are committed to your goals and will exceed all your expectations with earning your trust with our astonishing service. Whether buying or selling, locally or worldwide, our Group has the experience, knowledge and drive to help you make your realty dreams a reality. We are always committed to the highest level of service day or night. Our personal commitment is honesty, personal attention to YOU and every detail to ensure a stress-free successful transaction.
Matt Boyd

Matt Boyd

Sr Loan Orignator
NMLS# 259356
Direct: 214-414-1813
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